In the city that we live in we are very fortunate to have TONS of parks. In the past, we haven't taken advantage of this. We end up going to the same few parks. This summer the kids and I are going to try out a different park every week. At this park Tommy tried something new.... riding horsies. My baby is growing too quickly!
Ellie learned how to make sushi at preschool last month. I LOVE the preschool she goes to. They go on a field trip once a week and do fun activities like learn how to make sushi during class. I wish I had attended with her that day! I would love to learn how to make sushi! Anyway, she brought home some of her creations and we all got to try. YUM!
I love spring. I love the look and feel of freshly cut grass, the smell of our lilac tree blossoming, the sunshine that beckons us to come outside to play and Saturdays spent exploring the outdoors. We spent last Saturday at Kelsey Creek Farm.