Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sushi a la Ellie

Ellie learned how to make sushi at preschool last month. I LOVE the preschool she goes to. They go on a field trip once a week and do fun activities like learn how to make sushi during class. I wish I had attended with her that day! I would love to learn how to make sushi! Anyway, she brought home some of her creations and we all got to try. YUM!


Kacey said...

I love her preschool too! I only wish it was closer for Linds to attend. What a fun thing for them to make!

Olivia McCord said...

Your kids are getting SO big! I'd love to see you sometime. Day Out with Thomas is next weekend...tempting, I know. We'll be in Seaside at the end of August. Keep on posting!